In November 2013, at the age of 45, John Worsfold crossed the finish line of the New York Marathon, having completed the race in 3 and a half hours. He’s no longer an Eagles player or coach – but he’s still an inspiration to HBF Health Fit Fan Scott Lilleyman, who will be running a marathon for the first time this August.

“I just thought – we’re the same age, if he can do it, why can’t I?” says Scott.

“Admittedly, I’ve never been an elite athlete... but I believe that with the right mindset, nothing can stop you from reaching your goals.”

Scott is a primary school teacher, and he’s determined to be a good role model for the children he teaches.

“It’s so important to show every aspect of a healthy lifestyle to my class – mind, body and everything else. The habits we pick up when we’re young really stick, so I want to make sure these kids are forming healthy habits that’ll last them a lifetime.”

Scott was at the Eagles’ very first game in 1987, and he’s been a fan ever since.

“I can’t stand the Dockers! I’m blue and yellow through and through, and I can’t be swayed any other way. I took great delight last year in being on a plane to America when the Dockers were in the Grand Final – and even greater delight when the captain announced the score as we touched down!”